Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Hey Turd Brain

Hey Turd Brain

I was born an only child and hope to die that way, unless other arrangements can be secured. Of course, a lot depends on how my sister is feeling then.

My sister had a doll. Dad ran over it. #AbruptStoryCollection

I've never wanted to be a walrus, unlike my sister, but we're distinctly different people, and she floats better. Or maybe it's because she farts more.

Got a call from my sister last night. She's on Mars — says the bus service is terrible so you're stuck either walking everywhere, or you have to buy a car, and the shipping fees from earth are totally crazy. So, good place to avoid, at least for now.

My sister came over last night. "Hey, turd brain", she said, affectionately, while shooting snotballs at me with a rubber band. She does that to catch my attention, but it's getting kind of old. She's 46 this week.

My sister reports being harassed by a local crevasse. Says she can hardly get out the door anymore without it chasing her around. I thought maybe she should get a dog. The world will be a better place when more dogs disappear down giant ice cracks. Until then, a crevasse makes a dandy place to dump garbage and dispose of grass clippings and unwelcome relatives, which is one seriously good reason why I never visit her anymore. Too tempting, for all of us, in so many ways.


Have anything worth adding? Then try
Me? I'm not really like that. I'm like other stuff. Like chocolate. I'm like chocolate a lot. Mmmmm.