Monday, August 13, 2018

Pants, The Essential Accessory

My pants are not on fire today. That's a personal best. Next, I work on the cat hair sticking to my tongue.

I used to wander around with a hamster in my pants pocket until I found out it was in there. I'm smarter now, but lonelier.

Mom said I should talk to you about something, but before I ask what it might be I'll wait and see if you want to check out that pants fire you seem to have going on.

There was a clump of hair on the street. I never pass a clump of hair without at least a second look. However, when I stooped to scoop it up, it scuttled away. Ran right up a man's pants and disappeared under his morning coat. What happened after that will have to remain in strictest confidence.

Pets on parade. Mine is the yellow slime crawling up that guy's pants.