Thursday, November 01, 2018

Near Depth Experiences

The snarl of twin turbo diesels heralds the start of hiding season. For me anyway, having previously experienced what Leslie Zeppelin can do. (You know, the strafing and all.)

Yes, I have experience. In fact, I'm especially adept at tuna tickling, something that has come in handy several times this month, to be perfectly honest about it.

So today it's "lomito criollo". I'll try the pollo next time, or is that polio? Either way, lunch. Always an experience.

I quit being a Christian when they stopped eating babies. Maybe your church was more fun. Experience tells.

Speaking of urp, I'm seeing a lot of clouds lately that remind me of significant culinary milestones I've experienced while leaning over.

Fish lips: Talk your way through the experience. Extra points for re-emerging unscaled. (Unscaled? Unscathed? What's life worth without scathes anyway?)

Had a recent out-of-body experience involving a hot shower. Took me the better part of an hour to get back inside my skin. #I'mWrinklyNowToo