Sunday, August 09, 2020

Right On The Box

Recognize anyone?

Some old guy followed me home. Said he just wanted a few cookies. So I cleaned out my browser cache and dumped everything into his socks.

Some old guy followed me home. Wanted to know if I had any bananas in my pants. Said he was with the fruit police and needed to see the evidence. Nope — just avocados.

Some old guy followed me home. Said he was looking for his teeth. Thought I might have a clue since I was riding a chopper.

Some old guy followed me home. Claimed to be Santa Claus. Asked me to sit on his lap and tell him all my secrets, but I couldn't, not with all these avocados in my pants.

Some old guy followed me home. Looked suspiciously suspicious. Some people are like that. So I put a bag over his head and called out the tigers, Bowser and Nagasaki. They have a way of sneaking up on the truth, but today it was only scattered remains.

Some old guy followed me home. Purported to be a physicist on the trail of a fundamental discovery. I guess I forgot to cover my neutrino leakage again, but managed to stuff him into the recycling bin just before the truck arrived on its way to the black hole.

Some old guy followed me home. Desperately needed to know something but couldn't remember what. I pulled out my dictionary and showed him "what", but he didn't have his reading glasses and claimed I was making things up. No, not "things" — "what", I said. But by then he was already on first, so it was a tie game — WTF — I just fed him to the tigers and done with it. At least they're happy when this happens. A fed tiger is a happy tiger. (It says so on the box.)


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Me? Someone sent me a bag of monkeys. What a surprise. Yip.