Wednesday, February 20, 2019

37 Seconds


37 seconds left to live, and counting. Hey. I can still count. Lessee - one, two, uh....Beeeep! OK, fuck it.

37 seconds left to live, and I forgot to wash my socks last night. Sorry, Mom.

37 seconds left to live, and I guess it's too late to have another beer. Though there is still time to see how many pretzels I can stuff into my mouth.

37 seconds left to live, and I'm wondering if the cat was faking it all along. Kinda sorry now that I got him his own bus pass.

37 seconds left to live, and it looks like I'll miss the office party again this year. (If current trends continue.)

37 seconds left to live, and my only regret is that I didn't close my Facebook account sooner.


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Tuesday, February 12, 2019


"And then they lived happily ever after" sounds a lot like hell. A place for those who buy on credit and think they live in the best of all possible worlds.

"Death Wears My Shoelaces", a dramatic short poem by Arten Sphinctly, Jr. (Page under construction. To be continued in 1997.)

"Do you have IPA today?" I asked the sparrow. "No, I'm a bird, you twit — go ask the squirrel." So I did. Still no beer.

"Even an hour's worth of typing can't get you there from here", my guru said. That was, of course, the bad news. The good news is that I don't have a typing guru. Nobody does. I'm all alone out here — just me, a keyboard, and six reams of paper. What was the question?

"God only knows", they said, which might be where all the splitting headaches are coming from. So glad to be retired from all that.

"I heard you were a reasonable person," he said, so I sat down and thought about it. #IfIPlayAlongIMightGetParoledSooner.

The "I Love Dogs" canine rendering kit. Buy two. Now.

"New logon to Twitter from an unknown location using a weenie on a stick." I'm showing more imaginative use of available materials then?

"Nostril". Meaning "no stink", which is why I put earplugs in mine. Ears, however, are too small for butt plugs.

"Second-Rate Three Course Meals: My life among the spoon people", by Edward Cheff, Chief Chef of the Double Clef Gang.

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." Supposedly from Winston Churchill. (Dead.)

"Tbla", I said, not thinking straight. Now I've gone and been deported.

"Three-Penny Chopper", an opera on two wheels, by Armour Swarthopple, Renegade of the Negotiable Brigade.

"We've gone formless." — Fred Meyer

"Xavier me lo digo." That's what I always tell people. Or I try sock puppet pantomime. Or run away.

"You're a dick, Ted", Dick said to Ted, absentmindedly (since his mind was absent that day, and in fact was at that very moment enjoying a plate of fried pork bits with cheese sauce and vodka not on, but very near to the beach). Things could have been worse — very, very much worse, as we all know they can be. But not today. Today, Ted only punched him in the mouth and headed for the beach where pork bits were being served in cheese sauce.

'If I knew you better,' she said, 'I wouldn't like you that much. But considering that It's Thursday, I'll make a sandwich.'

'It's probably beef,' she said, staring at my pants, 'but I'm only here for the pork chops.'


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Wednesday, February 06, 2019


Today it's popcorn. I get to wallow in popcorn, and then they execute me. It's on my bucket list, until this afternoon anyway. And after the execution, who knows? Something is sure to turn up eventually.

For my encore, I'm going to swallow a sword, with the suit of armor still attached. Watch closely.

I like plants. I used to keep some as pets. Generally, though, that did not work out for the best. Several of them began tearing up the house and caused serious damage to the furniture. One even chased the cat around every time they were left alone. We had to chain it to a wall in the basement. A couple of them just disappeared. Ran away as far as we could tell, though one of those that got loose did have an unfortunate and career-ending encounter with a municipal waste-disposal truck (totaled the truck too). Usually, though, one or another of these so-called house plants just got to be too high-maintenance and we had to find a new home for it, like on a local farm, where it could run free and keep wolves at bay.

I think I ate a gopher. Accidentally, of course. Ever happen to you? (More than once?)

There's a TV on the wall. I'm sitting directly under it. Hard-headed self confidence, eh?

Dear Diary: Today I found a fly on the wall — an old-fashioned button fly, which made me wonder about...Wait. Gotta go.

Walla Walla Wallowers.

Wall snapper!

Valhalla started out as a local operation called "Wally Holler" and sold gas, bait, and beer. Shows you what can happen if you keep your worms fresh.

The guy next to me is eating the avocado that he brought to the restaurant, and as far as I can tell, there is no particular malice involved, though one never knows. So far, he and his rat are sharing the meal in peace, or at least under the terms of a binding truce. They're using the same napkin too. Always a good sign.


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