Saturday, May 30, 2020

Must Look That Up

Pussy rockets. (Something about cats and stuff. Cats celebrating. Do they do that? Could be dangerous in the wrong paws.)

"Austerity" means never having to say you've got what it takes.

"Cheaper by the shovelful" applies to both food and manure.

"Don't you like people?" she said. "A few," I replied, dabbing my lips with a napkin. "But the really good ones have gotten too expensive to bother with."

"Winkle-puffery". Must look that up.

Thursdays — I never could quite get the hang of Thursdays, so I moved to a place that doesn't know about them.

30-word poet.

I once wanted to be like my grandmother when I grew up, but not as wrinkly.

A cousin of mine became a minister. He spent his whole working career doing that. Now he's retired and he still hasn't caught on.

A dog followed me home. Not the usual either — this was a guy in a dog suit. Seemed nice enough otherwise. but I decided to play it safe and shot him anyway.

A phalanx of wiggly things ate the cat again. Happens every Thursday and Tuesday but he's still not used to it.

Meanwhile, I hear another serious outbreak of typing growing nearer.


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Me? All the air went out of my apple overnight.