Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Obviously Or Not

Obviously Or Not

Pat and Trite, the Obvious Sisters, look good. They have to look good because of their professional packaging. Nothing inside, not even air. It's a special talent they have. I couldn't do it, so count me out.

Pat and Trite, the Obvious Sisters, went for a walk and never came back, for not particularly obvious reasons because well — who knows? Anyhow, wouldn't you if you had the chance?

Pat and Trite, the Obvious Sisters, have each been married. Not to each other, of course, or to anyone else either, because it's so much easier not to, and the simple solution is usually best for obvious reasons, and they like to be obvious.

My sister had a doll. Dad ran over it. #AbruptStoryCollective

Big letdown folks — my sister, the one recently mentioned, turned out to be made of used, unsorted nose hairs. Not mine. Probably not yours either. We don't have much to do with each other these days. Because nose hairs. So.


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Me? Not so sure about any of this.