"'Tis the season", as they say? Maybe. Though I've always been annoyed by the sound of sleigh bells wherever they occur, so I finally had my ears removed. And now? My cap fits better.
Whoever put the "X" in Xmas? Job well done, my friend. Well done.
Got a turkey for Xmas, except that it's not Xmas, and it isn't a turkey. More like spring break at a slough, in Wyoming, in a dust storm, with a complimentary lizard named Hal for company.
I never really expected anything for Xmas because I'm an octopus. I know how people feel about me — my suckers and whatnot, breathing water and all, so I was a bit nonplussed to receive a plush teddy bear in the mail. Didn't taste good, but I wanted to show my appreciation by eating it. Also gave me diarrhea, though that isn't unusual these days.
It's the Xmas season again. Luckily I just got my X-rating renewed and I really can't wait to get out humping along again.
Xmas in my underwear. Just the way I like it.
Have anything worth adding? Then try sosayseff@
Me? Experiencing gorilla my dreams.