Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Stray Soup

Stray Soup

Found a stray cat in my soup. Big one. Says his name is Fred, and he wants to watch me eat. Oh, Fred.

Had a long talk with the cat last night, of mice and men, of sugar and spice, and where to get the best 'nip.

Have you ever sniffed your cat's butt? If you don't have a cat then maybe the neighbor's cat? Or the neighbor? Kind of curious how normal this might be. Send photos if you've gottem. Videos — even better.

I am my own double-blind experiment. At least since I accidentally poked my eyes out with that sixpack of catnip-flavored cat amusements.

I caught the cat wearing a mask. Again. I think he's been out robbing banks. The money is coming in from somewhere.

I could be out hiking now, but I have to feed the cat or he'll get ornery again — 20 lbs of raw meat every 12 hours, if I remember right. If I don't remember right, it gets real awkward.


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Me? Recently nominated for something by someone, somewhere.