Thursday, August 22, 2019

Soup For Two (Me & You)


Bean tits. Good only for soup.

Bought a bucket of soup to try out, possibly for Xmas gifts. But when the cat fell in it put me right off my feed. Never liked catsoup.

Cream of hamster tail soup. Good way to deal with excess hamsters.

Ever count your toes? If you have extra, I can use some. I'm making soup again.

Today's special at the Cafe of Your Choice is alphabet soup, and you can use it to write your very own personal suicide note.

Fingers in my soup. I always get fingers in my soup. Except that one time when there was that little toy boat.

Found another turtle in my soup. Better check the recipe one more time. Also, I have window screens on order. Am keeping my fingers crossed. Something's gotta help.

I had a bowl of alphabet soup, for a spell, but last night it ran off with the thesaurus, leaving me unlettered.

Taco cookie soup. (For members only.)

Mom made me soup last night. She's been working out. Which is where she got the strength to stuff me into the blender.

Party soup. There's music in that.

So, guatita criolla it is today. If I don't eat that, then it's going to be chicken parts. Parts of chicken, some assembly needed, as if. But they never give me a full kit. It's one of these and none of those (the usual), and I've never had any luck getting even one of my best efforts to fly, no matter how often I toss it off the highway overpass. Well, the soup is here, so I'll need to put this decision off until later.

Today it's fanesca for lunch. Soupy, soupy-soup. Easter soup. I guess. With fish. Fish. I have to share it with them, the fish. Always the fish.

Turtle soup — not that good. Maybe you have to cook it. Do you? #QuestionsToChefJoe,Etc

Well, it looks like the soup has arrived — two buckets of it. Anyway it shakes out, I'll be eating it soon. (I really do hope that it really is soup this time.)

Yeah, Mom knew what she was doing. Like that day she made soup. Put stuff in a pot, add water, then flame. #MiraclesNeverEnd

Chicken soup makes poor house paint. (True.)


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See if that helps.
Got a message in the mail today: "Don't forget to count your fish!"