Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Unidentified Flying Monkeys

Birds walk funny but it's considered impolite to say anything about it. Ask me. I had a bird punch me in the nose when I pointed and started laughing. His name is Al and he's a big sucker. No nonsense kinda flocker. Maybe I'll hire him as a bodyguard. In a pinch I could always eat him.

Feathers up your nose. New fashion statement. Not popular with birds.

If I were 10 feet tall I could inspect your scalp for lice, or bird droppings.

It looks like today is the day for the annual worm parade. It's a big deal in these parts, given the local songbird population and the general slow pace of life. Also a good time to replace worn-out pets if you enjoy the legless kind.

It's the first of the month and my birdseed allotment will be along shortly. Gotta keep my pecker happy.

Noticed UFOs hovering near bird feeder today. The feathers do not fool me one bit.

First the hordes of flying monkeys, then the dust tornadoes, now the Wicked Witch is selling Girl Scout cookies and I have the sort of headache that only cookies will cure.

Fly fishing with Ghengis Khan.

Fly music.

Flying tuna? Yes, shortly after lunch. It crashed into the gutter right after it left my stomach.

Friday saw the last flyby of flugelhorns for this year. (Possibly, according to Mr Postlethwaite.)

Have you seen an unusually large number of flying monkeys lately? I found two of them in my sock drawer just this morning, and then there was another one I caught trying to make off with a bunch of cat toys. Good thing the cat was awake. It took both of us to restore order, though said cat did the greater part of the hissing. He's really, truly good at that, whereas, all too often, my teeth just fall out when I try.

Here we are at the Flying M Ranch. All monkeys, as expected. All D-Trump fans. Lots of feces being thrown today, in every direction.

I bet the cat that most of my toes would fall off before I learned to fly, and now I'm sprouting feathers all over.

I don't know how I ended up here. I told the flying saucer people to drop me off back at the highway and pointed right out the window but for some reason they never listen. With them it's all about the anal probing.

Monkeys. Monkeys. Have seen way more than usual this week, most of them flying.

On my drive through the Alps I encountered a stray tunnel. Was able to fly home with it in my luggage. Made a cat toy out of it. Much better than a cardboard box. Tigers don't like them much. Way too small.

Unidentified flying optics.


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Me? Fruitlessly flapping.