Monday, September 28, 2020

Moist, Creamy, Possibly Wholesome

Moist, Creamy, Possibly Wholesome

Follow your pottery wherever it leads you. Unless it's into my yard.

What is my home country known for? Exports of (1) Toilet paper. (2) Bulldozer blades. (3) A sort of stale, musty smell. (4) Water vapor. (5) Distant hooting sounds. (On Thursdays.)

Did your cat ever eat the neighbor lady? That could have been my mother. Assuming that you are who I think you are. Anyhow, you still need to return that phillips screwdriver you borrowed in 1972. I need it now more than ever.

Most coins have two sides, very rarely one. Now I found one in my junk drawer that has three. I do not know how they do these things. Do not. And it's watching me.

Moist, creamy goodness, spread thickly. Eat it or smear it, you can never go wrong. Unless it's something that came out of the cat. (Either end.)

Uncle Tiddly finally found the ashtray. In the car. Under the seat. Where I've been hiding. Which means that I have to move again. So unfair.


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Me? Recently committed. Still have to find out where though.