Friday, November 12, 2021

Fruit Flies Like A Banana

Fruit Flies Like A Banana

Whenever I become optimistic, I attract more flies.

Saw a guy being chased down the street by a very angry rutabaga. Nude. Nude rutabaga. At least the guy in question was wearing a bra.

Cooked a turkey last night. Big one. Had a hard time getting it into the oven but it settled down after a few minutes.

Always wanted to be Superman when I grew up. Am now a stock clerk at Walmart. But determined to move up.

If caramel apples are a good thing, then how about caramel potatoes?

I once knew a guy named Butch who lived in a little hutch. He went everywhere displaying quite some flair, but then we lost track of each other. I think he's selling insurance or something.


Have anything worth adding? Then try
Me? Counting my nuts. Again.