Yes, I did eat the cheese from your mousetrap, and it wasn't all that good.
Yeah — everybody said it was all right, but I still got arrested. Am now doing 10 to 20 with no chance of ice cream on my pie. No pie either, but I do get to keep my teddy bear, and have a pet cockroach if I'm a good boy.
Wombats on parade — seen any? Not around here, though I do catch some faint drumming noises late at night. #MakesYouWonderDon'tIt
Why didn't I bring my earplugs today? Now I'm stuck listening to you eat.
Why do chipmunks get to have all the fun? (Asking for a CEO.)
What's a ventriloquist without a vent? I bet you don't know either.
Have anything worth adding? Then try sosayseff@
Me? It's a thing I do. The squeak. I squeak sometimes.