Saturday, March 01, 2025

Face Plant Now For Fun Fall Harvests

Image grabbed from BoredPanda, artist unknown

What sort of avocado has hair on it? One may have walked past here, earlier. We'll investigate the surveillance videos and get back to you once we have an idea. Maybe after lunch. Next year sometime.

What kind of world would it be like, you might wonder, if horses had two legs? Well, they do. They have two legs and also spares for when those first ones go flat. In case you never thought of it that way before.

Wendert Fimml was my 7th grade spatula-handling coach. Fell into the batter one day and got made into a waffle. Somewhat greasy, we all thought, but he was always like that anyway.

Well, I'm learning to compromise. If I do have to pay rent, then I guess I have to do it with money too. But it's still annoying.

Yes, it is that time of the year again. I'm beginning to sprout new buds and turn green all over.

I washed my wombat again. At least that's out of the way for another year, and one of us is actually happy about it.


Have anything worth adding? Then try
Me? Too busy dreaming to end my nap yet. So buzz off, 'K?