Sunday, December 13, 2020

As Far As God Goes

As far as god goes

As far as God goes, what's right, wrong, or which end might be up, I don't know a whole lot. We're not so close these days as we used to. You know — back when we played checkers in the park every afternoon and all, and the rest of the world was still slime.

Did you know that God is only four feet tall and used to be named Larry?

God and me was talking about you. None of it good neither.

God came by yesterday, out of sorts again. Threw a few lightning bolts around the yard, had a beer, and went away still grumpy. But went away — that's the important part. I'm not sure that I need to keep this up.

God said not to do that, but I did. What the fuck — I'm usually right, and God already has a big enough ego. Plus, God is ugly as a turd on a birthday cake.

Got a call from God yesterday. Depressed. Finally realized after all this long time that Satan is also immortal. And that neither one of them exists.


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Brought to you this week only by Monica Aswaggen.