Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Howl At The Mood

Howl At The Mood

Barfnozzle: Get yours today. Never leave home without it.

You can't judge a crow by its bar code.

Stand along the rail and try forming at the mouth. Cookies at eleven.

Cut out the mermaid — you can get along without one these days.

Like fodder like some. (Pumpkins don't need to worry about this.)

Next up: Bathing around in the bushes. Can be amusing if you have nothing else to do these days.

It's staining cats and dogs, a possible new business oppty.

Quick on the towel, me. Handy if there are more people than towels. Also polite to you.

High and tidy, going for baroque next week sometime. Wink as I go by.

Often needle-drunk but puncture-proof, giant lyrical list generator (gratis), divergent, satisfying, and quiet. I have other talents too frequent to brag about. Hire me now.

I'm a man of few words, and also a woman, previously a snake.

No ifsands, scuttles, or buts. (Except for Ed, my Mom.)

What goes up must become a towel. Sometimes though, it's a downer. (Didn't we already mention towels?)


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Me? Planning to sue some goo. (Stay tuned once.)