Saturday, December 19, 2020

Gudrun Tunnel News

Gudrun Tunnel News

Gudrun Tunnel News for the intrepid, right here, right now.

Item One: Yes! I am a vert! Of some kind!




Who can say?

Ambivert? Could be.

Item Two: Paraversions and parsley seeds — can't get enough of either. Very sure of that.

Item Three: Top 25 procedures performed at ambulatory surgery centers? How about one of those? No, they do not include seed removal, so just forget about it, but Pre-Christian Discounts? Maybe? If you're lucky. Need one? (Available last week only, so don't be late now, hear? Never too early to ask or too late to miss out.)

Item Four: Latest Award Ceremonies — American Arbitration Association v. Tri-Institutional Pain Registry. A surefire smackdown event. Survivors get free cookies for life, or through the end of next week, whichever comes first. Taxes and medical expenses pre-paid by a beneficial benefactor. Most limits apply.

Item Five: Monkey noodles. Handmade in our interesting facility just outside the city limits. No other limits need apply. Mostly clean, pretty much edible if you like that sort of thing. Flies included at no extra charge. Call now. Right away in fact, if you know what's good for you. (Really, if you are fussy like that we can probably come up with something that'll work if you don't inspect it too closely.)


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Me? Still wondering about that thing.