Friday, September 24, 2021



So the problem with the car is that it came without a wuffle muffler, or else it was a muffle wuffler. One or the other — I can't remember, only that I was charged heavily to have one put in, and everyone at the dealership was pointing at me and doubled over, laughing. Probably the last car I buy from Bozo's Used.

Too early to go to bed, too late to set myself on fire. According to the cat. He's usually right, too.

The wombat got loose again. Probably my fault again. I keep forgetting to put the cap back on the bottle. One of my annoying character flaws. The other is arson, but at least that's fun.

Banks don't let you take out money unless you give it to them first. How profitable can that ever be? I mean, for the average guy. Just another damn scam, right?

So. I live at elevation, since I got up off the floor. Much better views up here.

Finally broke down and went to a rock concert. Not worth it. At all. I mean, nobody even cleaned the dirt off them. And they were all out of tune. Seriously boring. Time passed geologically.


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Me? Pretty good if you warm me up for a couple of hours first.