Monday, September 27, 2021

Where My Heart Lies

Where My Heart Lies

It's nearly time for another Eeeps family reunion. My love, Echinoia Eeeps, recently informed me by telegraph that the family started these semi-annual events as a way to smooth over any lingering feelings of animosity following the Relative Truce of 1898. And they're also a great time to do a bit of discreet vermin transfer into the clothing of those who still deserve a little extra attention.

My love, Echinoia Eeeps, has reminded me that it's time to renew my contract. Upon my death she gets control of all my internal organs. In case anyone in the family is short of food that week. If not, there's always another All-Family reunion dinner coming along within a few weeks, so no part of me will go to waste, ever. I appreciate her diligence.

My love, Echinoia Eeeps, showed me around her family's dried penis collection yesterday. I had no clue. They must have hundreds down in the community dungeon, all said to be either donations from wandering strangers come to visit, or found abandoned along various roadways.

Speaking of dried penises, I'll need to remember to ask my love, Echinoia Eeeps what happened to mine. It's gone missing again, somehow. She usually knows something and is often helpful at times such as these.

My love, Echinoia Eeeps, has been getting a bit excitable recently. She hasn't exhibited symptoms like these for quite a while — not since that time she was urging me to join the circus so she could invite her friends to come and watch me be shot from a cannon.

Well, it's spring in the southern hemisphere. Nearly all the Eeeps family, including both near and distant relatives, have been getting a bit twitchy about the whole Migration Issue again. Some have required chaining to posts to keep them within reach of their assigned tasks until the Proper Moment of Release. Personally speaking, I do not much care, save for the effects of the prolonged nighttime howling.


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Me? My heart's all in it, man.