Sunday, May 15, 2022

Excessively, Very Great Inflation

Excessively, Very Great

I saw a cloud in the sky. Only one. And then it silently faded away.

The clouds are all out today, wetting on people, bumping into each other. One of them chased me home from the restaurant. This can get old if you live long enough.

Where do clouds go after they finish urinating on us?

I saw a fish today. It pretended not to see me back. Very suspicious. Will probably take a different bus from now on.

I saw Kaye last night. She was doing a 10K. There were 10 of her there. Smart gal.

Nuts. Nuts are falling from the sky, like nuts. As nuts do, at times. And now the cat is on fire again. This is Monday, isn't it?

Saw that eye watching me through that same hole in the sky again. Strongly resembles one of Jeff Bezos'.


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Me? Will need to be reinflated soon.