Thursday, May 12, 2022

Invisible Necessities

Invisible Necessities

At least there is air in here. Some boxes don't even have that. Just $1000 a month too.

A job selling air to bag ladies could be in your future. Enquire within. (No pet lizards, please.)

If air was free, would we still have to pay for it? (Asking for an oxygen breather.)

Oct 1, Tue, Cuenca airport, Ecuador, 7:20 p.m., Guayaquil time. Why the fuck am I doing this? Ditto, 7:45 p.m. This is odd — I almost feel like I belong here. Maybe that is not a good thing. Atlanta, &;00 a.m. I still don't know. Muggy here too. Snoring sounds everywhere.

People ask why I have 200,000 shoeboxes in my collection. They'll all come begging when we run out of air. Or they need a place to keep their fingernail clippings. Either way I'm set for life.

I found a giant propeller yesterday. It was just sitting there, attached to a plane at the airport. My lucky day, I guess — I've been needing one of these for years. Getting it into my knapsack was somewhat awkward, as was, as you might have guessed, bringing it home in a taxi (generous tipping can perform miracles on slow days). Mom would be proud but she's dead these days, so whatever, you know?


Have anything worth adding? Then try
Me? Who can say?