Saturday, January 14, 2023

Dark Match

Dark Match

I am the Lonesome Cowboy, drifting slowly across the near-silent plains by night, accompanied by no more than a far-distant howl or hoot or growl, and a mere handful of stars. Plus my my sock puppet, Ed.

I am the Lonesome Cowboy, never asleep, never awake, occupying the lonely shadow zone of life as I travel toward distant vacant vistas holding the promise of nothing more than what already is.

I am the Lonesome Cowboy, solo by day, abandoned by night, wondering what if any might be my fate, if ever I may be so fortunate as to have one.

I am the Lonesome Cowboy, walking the slow prairies, wondering what it would be like to have a friend, sipping the dew from tiny lowly solo lonesome flowers.

I am the Lonesome Cowboy, wending my way quietly along the riverbank well into the depths of night, tooting another soft solo on my only kazoo.

I am the Lonesome Cowboy. A turtle is my pet, his name Fredly, with a degree from Harvard, Harvard College of Studious Turtles. We talk during the deep darks of night, though he tends to long silences. As do I, so well are we paired partners matched.


Have anything worth adding? Then try
Me? Breathing slowly, deeply, continuously.



so says eff: sporadic spurts of grade eff distraction
definitions: outdoor terms
fiyh: dave's little guide to ultralight backpacking stoves
boyb: dave's little guide to backpacks
snorpy bits: nibbling away at your sanity
last seen receding: missives from a certain mobile homer
noseyjoe: purposefully poking my proboscis into technicals