Monday, April 26, 2021



Captain Automatic made an announcement today. He's switching to all caps for the duration. Best not to ask for the duration of what or you are likely to GET A REPLY IN ALL CAPS, YOU HEAR ME, PUNK? And so on. Whatever.

Captain Automatic did a tour of duty at a noodle factory. No other information is available at this time.

Captain Automatic, the original autopilot. Never flew and never crashed. More than many can say.

Captain Automatic, formerly world champion squirrel nutter. Not something I would personally brag about, but neither does he, so I guess we're even.

I saw Captain Automatic up in a tree on my walk to work yesterday. Then in another tree, and another. I honestly don't know how he does it, but the good news is that I haven't worked for 16 years, so I should start sleeping in, I guess, which will also reduce the number of arboreal sightings, and then I'll have even less to wonder about.

While going through my closet I was surprised to find several dozen Captain Automatic costumes. That was a puzzle. Later, looking around for more evidence, I found Captain Automatic's diaries and tax records. (He's an LLC.) Then the photo albums, including shots of me from the 1950s, during my first grade-school-level Captain Automatic escapade. Yes, it's true. I am the one. What a surprise. So I had some cookies and beer.


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Me? Don't know yet.