Saturday, May 22, 2021

Geometry On Parade

Geometry On Parade

Next Thursday is National Dig Up A Grave day, at least somewhere. Participation tends to be spotty, as do some of the co-conspirators. Bring your own hand sanitizer. Have a plausible alibi.

If a woodchuck even wanted to chuck wood, would it, really? Isn't there more money in stacking it neatly?

I'll give you seven cents if you can part your hair without using your fingers. More if you can do it using only your tongue.

Sunshine again struck earth today. No one noticed but the bugs and a few mumbling codgers who remember how it was back in the before times somewhere near Ever-When, in Indiana. So they say.

What is an idiom? Maybe start with that guy over in the corner. The one trying to measure eyeball spacing. Something fishy about that one, and it isn't necessarily his breath. Keep him under surveillance while I go on vacation. I'll be back in the fall.

Chalk up another victory for the Vertical Boys, a three-person duet led by Al Cappella, with Tommy Toot and his magical nose flute bringing up the rear, all held together by Simon (Elmer) Whitechappel and his mucilage organ (best not to ask). Admission: three cents. Abmission: $1375.29. Bring exact change, or a bucket.


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Me? Looking for someone to pull my own weight. Where are the volunteers these days?