Friday, July 16, 2021

Do You Account?

Do You Account?

Arnold the Ardent Accountant was very committed to his work, even to the point of growing extra fingers so he could account higher faster. #AKAWeird

Arnold the Ardent Accountant never had a girlfriend because that would have been a change, and he never liked giving change a chance.

Arnold the Ardent Accountant once met Lonesome Cowboy but didn't recognize him as a valid 401C3 entity.

Arnold the Ardent Accountant went to night school during the day because the light was better then, and the classrooms were empty then, and because he had nothing better to anyway, then.

Arnold the Ardent Accountant didn't think it was strange to try taking his pants off over his head. In fact, he saw it as a challenge worthy of a true athlete, and vowed to keep trying, once monthly, until he mastered the technique. He hasn't been heard from lately. Could be at a pants retreat.

Arnold the Ardent Accountant makes good money, mostly over Xmas — handy for buying impressive goods. He learned how to do it from his uncle Nurb, who's doing a bit of time now. Got careless. Put Ronald Reagan on a $350 bill, then went to buy ice cream for his shooting and drinking club. That worked but they wouldn't give him a refund when the stuff melted, and he shot up the place and got all hissy as well. Really pretty novice mistakes, so you have to wonder.


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