Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Winning Friends And Building Walls

Winning Friends And Building Walls

My brother Ed has decided to build a wall. He used to be my sister Ed but something happened. I've been told not to ask too many questions. Anyway, Ed is not even rumored to be in the wall business. Hasn't been.

I woke up this morning to find a wall across my bed. For some reason I suspect Ed, even though I've got padlocks everywhere, even padlocks on the padlocks. Could have been the cat though — smart little bastard, and yesterday I did find a trowel hidden behind the litter box.

If you might be wondering how my sister Ed became my brother Ed, well so am I. About all I've been authorized to reveal is that things often turn out this way where my family is concerned. I better stop now. Someone is coming, and not in a fun way.

The wall? You're asking about the wall? I haven't seen much of it yet, aside from the section that runs through my bedroom and across the bed, but I do have to admit that it seems to be built well — solid as a brick wall, it is.

So Ed — I wonder what he's up to. Haven't seen him doing anything with the wall for a few days. At first he sounded desperate to set a world record, then he started taking long naps, and now things are beginning to rust. So very typical, and I still have all those bricks on my bed.

If you're going to build a wall, you should build it, right? How else can you succeed properly? Seed your ideas, then succeed with success. Isn't that what that Dan Carnagle guy said about winning friends and succeeding successfully and becoming an influencer? I think I better check in again with the cat, in case he's really behind all of this. Gotta get those bricks off my bed too. Gotta.


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Me? Recently nominated for this year's Doofus Awards. (Next year's too.)