Friday, July 09, 2021

Good Natured Unless You Tease Him

Good Natured Unless You Tease Him

"Fancy Nancy" is not my name. I don't remember what the hell my name is. "Bruno" or something. "Nuckles". Could be "Nuckles". Nuckles the Enforcer. Not "Fancy Nancy" though. Probably not even once.

Speaking of Fancy Nancy, she pounded me good last week. Refreshing. She's getting back to normal.

Got a new herbert named "Hamster". Will need a bigger cage. And somewhere to park his car while he's here.

Speaking of herberts, what kind of kibble do they like? I'm OK on the beer end. Got plenty of beer and whiskey. Not too sure about the crunchy-munchy stuff however.

Wore a dress to work yesterday and picked up a lot of grief. Also got a bouquet of posies and a chance to show how good I still am at arm wrestling. Still got the arms. Hey.

Speaking of dresses, the cat likes them too. Bengal tiger named "Bob". Pretty fine pal. Good eater. Good-natured unless you tease him about the dress. Best to stand way back if so. Good boy.


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